Who are the Everyday Black Men?

Riker - The man with the plan.

R. Reed - The voice and formerly the contrarian.

Armstead - The muscles and “can’t you explain this to me.”

DJ ALL MIGHT - The new contrarian.


Riker is a man with the plan who tries his best to manage the social media and other admin tasks. If you interact with us on the internet you likely talking to Riker.

To learn more about any one of the Everyday Black Men, please email us.


Armstead is the muscles and the “I got a question” of the operation.

To learn more about any one of the Everyday Black Men, please email us.


R. Reed considers himself to be the voice of the podcast and often a critic who gets it right.

To learn more about any one of the Everyday Black Men, please email us.


DJ ALL MIGHT is the newest member of the group and it’s most contrarian member.

To learn more about any one of the Everyday Black Men, please email us.